Stealing Melatonin From Others

I’m making this mistake time and again. When I’m overly focused on protecting my melatonin at evenings, things get just worse.

When I’m not, and relaxed, it’s just much easier and feels more natural. It’s as any other activity in life, needs to be created a system for. Then needs to be balanced till it becomes natural.

But sometimes I can forget.

The catch here is, what is midnight? I need my astronomical clock watch in my hand.

Hey, sir. What’s the Astronomy Time?

Which midnight is the real one? The one I’m that was before changing clock, or after it? No, really. What time is it now? 7 am or 8 am? Why is it the same for the entire country of Ukraine, so the distant front lines location has my time zone, but a nearby Poland town, half an hour away by car is one hour behind? It’s all so broken now!

In all those cases of a missed ‘fall asleep in time’ opportunity …

What if we were able to steal melatonin from others?

Worked till late hours? Steal melatonin from some passer by!

Or maybe someone would gladly give me their melatonin, so they could stay awake longer that day!